On 30th /Aug. / 2009 we had a Lower House election. Everyone’s expectant whether the entire government can be reappointed or not. I always wonder that politicians don’t explain their concrete plans through media or in a public speech. How many people can decide which candidate to vote from candidate’s ambiguous speech? Looking back, everyone paid attention to politics when there is a possibility of revolution in Japanese government. That means many people are interested in changing their society or life. When we think about the structure of a country, the smallest unit in society is a family, an ensemble of family is a community, and an integration of a community is a country. Japanese people hope their society or life will be changed by government, education system, economy, or religion. However, they don’t try to their ways. They expect some great power to solve the problems and rely responsibility to others. If Christians in Japan try to change themselves, their families, and their community, a big revolution will come to this country. A big real estate or sophisticated theology will not change this country. Our King, Jesus, told clearly what to do first to the people of God’s kingdom. Yes, He tells you to do it.
Mark 16:15, Matthew 28:19~20
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