






歴代誌 第二 5章13節


Father's Day

Yesterday was Father’s Day. A bottle of energy drink was given to fathers at Kanazawa Bible Church where I visited to preach the gospel.

This photo is a present that I gave to my parents for father’s and mother’s day.

It's a miracle to have a peaceful event like this happened to my family. When I believed Jesus Christ and received new life, my heart was filled with the true love toward my parents. I hope God’s miracle happens to many families in Japan.

Exodus 20:12

Scent of Christian

Sometimes I introduced some surveys in this blog but I am surprised that there are many surveys in this world. Some company had a questionnaire to workers at hotels around the world and released popularity ratings for tourists. Japanese tourists were chosen as the best tourist for 3 years since this survey had started. I myself use a hotel but I’ve never thought that we, tourists, can make a positive image after check-out. This is a surprising survey but I’m so glad to hear it as Japanese that we are valued highly.

What can we, Christians, leave behind after we leave the place? After Jesus walked, a good scent supposed to remain there. It is the scent of a very expensive nard oil which was on Christ’s legs. If we can hear after the person left, "that smells Christ’s scent", it’s a wonderful thing.

Lord, give your scent to all the Christians in Japan.

2 Corinthians 2:15

A testimony at FGB

This photo is Mr. Komol Antakon who is a president of FGB (Full Gospel Businessmen Fellowship) Thailand and Mr. Tsukamoto who is a president of FGB Japan and translated Mr. Komol’s message.

Right now, Mr. and Mrs. Komol live in Thailand and their 3 sons live in New York and Sydney. This trip was a memorable trip for The Komols. Each family member shared a wonderful testimony. Mrs. Komol shared how they could depart from Thailand and arrive in Japan in the unrest between Thailand government army and antigovernment demonstration group and how she guided Mr. Komol to Jesus. Mr. Komol shared how to show God’s glory in business.

Japanese society is a workplace supremacist just like a religion. Although they come home late for overwork, they say we have to work so it can’t help. Although other people ask them to go to church on Sunday, they say because I’m fatigued from work, I can’t go. Although they received an appointment letter of transfer not accompanied by family, they say because this is my job, it can’t help. Everything makes do with work.

God tries to transform workplaces in Japan and believers will receive God’s big blessings in their workplace.

Psalm 1:1~3









マタイの福音書 5章9節


One not two "Part 2"

We celebrated the 14th wedding anniversary on 8th of this month.

Whey my wife was single, she saved money every month and traveled abroad once a year. She didn’t say anything about it, when we got married but she was prepared for not traveling abroad again and buying her own clothes.

We grew up in a different environment. Her father was a government officer so her life was stable and down-to-earth. Not only that, her family had breakfast at 6 o’clock in the morning and a dinner at 5:30 p.m. together every day.
On the other hand, both of my parents worked and we had only 2 meals a day. We were typical night people.

After my wife and I got married, it was tough for me to adjust to her life style at first, but thanks to her I became a morning person.

Right now, we have chances to travel abroad and domestic. We haven’t imagined that it could happen in our life. She is working for a living even now and the precious offering is used for our ministry. We share marvelous thanksgiving, joy, and small pain at the same time.

Almighty God is telling us why He created people, to a man and a woman through our life.

Genesis 2:18

Faith with action

This photo is Mr. Okuyama, Minoru who is a director of Missionary Training Center. He is 78 years old but he travels around the world even now.

In March of 2010, there was the 100th Edinburgh World Missionary Conference in Tokyo. The director, Mr. Okuyama, was a chairman of this conference. He came to Sapporo 1 week before this World conference. I didn’t attend this conference, but I saw how difficult the preparation and how big the responsibility he has.

Dr. Winter, Ralph who was drawn up to heaven last year said at a meeting in a different country, “The Lord is leading the conference to Japan.” Mr. Okuyama who attended the meeting said right away, “Yes. We take it.”

Usually, Japanese people bring the idea to Japan, open a board meeting, discuss a budget or a place, and then response.

The other day, a prime minister of this country had a talk of resignation. What in the world was a manifest he had told before an election? The true intention is still unanswered whether he wanted votes or he couldn’t understand the reality, although he had a vision. Word and manifest sounded nicely so some people put high hopes to the political party, but you know the result of it.

There are arguments for and against Mr. Okuyama’s decision but he acted and fulfilled the conference. When he was young, he went into a jungle in Indonesia and shared the gospel to many people there.

Today, churches in Japan need most is not a higher criticism, a manual for church growing, or a well-resourced facility. The faith with action is the key, it is the word of God

James 1:22






出エジプト記 20章12節







コリント人への手紙第二 2章15節







詩篇 1篇1~3節


Voice of a shepherd

When I was a child, my family had a dog. We usually had a mixed-breed dog outside of our house but one time we had a pedigree Yorkshire terrier inside of our house. His name was Mimi. There was a parking lot in front of our house and our neighbors parked their car there but whenever my mother parked her car there, Mimi went to the entrance wagging his tail. This dog was so small that he couldn’t see outside from a window but he knew the sound of my mother’s car. Why can he recognize the sound of my mother’s car and other people’s car? Giving him food and taking care of him was my mother’s chores. I’m sure he became attached to my mother the most. Probably he was looking forward for her return and thinking, “Is she coming home soon? What is my dinner tonight? I want to lick her face and hug her.” all the time.

People are better than dog. We are the best creation of God, the Creator. Jesus said my sheep recognizes my voice. If We Christians focus our thoughts on Jesus in our daily life, we can recognize the voice of the Lord clearly. Although we hear attractive things in this world, don't be deceived by the voice that is similar but not the voice of the Lord. The voice of the Lord is filled with warm love, righteousness, and majesty.

John 1:1~16

Rehabilitation or new life?

When I was a child, I was a TV child. When a criminal surrendered or leaves a prison in a detective story, a detective says, “Retrieve yourself and go through mainstream life.”

I heard an astonishing testimony of a man in India. This man killed many people in the past. He proclaimed he was racked with a sense of guilt at first but he couldn’t stop killing people so he was scared of himself. He was arrested after he killed 15 people and he thought he would be subject to capital punishment. He believed Jesus and became a Christian. He himself didn’t and doesn’t know what happened but surprisingly he was set free 5 years later. Right now this man dedicated his life to God and became a teary evangelist who shares sins and God’s forgiveness.

Sadly to say, recidivism rate is high in this world. There are some elements but if we don’t remove a root, it’s impossible for us to retrieve truly. The root is a character of “sin” which we have been taking over since Adam. The righteousness shows sin but people need God’s love to repent .

When people accepted the Lord and that Jesus, died on the cross for their sins, they experience great God’s love. When they repent and believe in Jesus, they experience to be born again. The Bible tells people who are born again can go through retrieved life by the power or the Holy Spirit although they are sinners.

1 Peter 1:3


















ヤコブの手紙 1章22節










The reason why Mr. Hillman is strong

The person whom baseball fans in Japan and Nippon Ham Fighters can’t forget is the former manager, Mr. Hillman. I heard the news that he was dismissed as a manager of Major League Baseball in U.S.A. on 14th of May. He had an interview and said, “I’m very thankful, that I had an opportunity to lead a team as a manager of Major League. It was a challenge for me that I could achieve my goal.”

When people have to step-down from a long-cherished position or fired, they are usually shocked, but his thankfulness to God and his refreshed attitude is contagious to everyone throughout his word. The key to understand his faith is written in a book, “Turning Point”, (published by New Life Ministry). His dream to become a Major Leaguer ended up in smoke and met with a setback. When he was 25 years old, he prayed to God. “I want to serve You through baseball. I will be Your faithful army. I’ll never betray You.” He came to a strange country, Japan, managed a fringe baseball team, Nippon Ham Fighters, to the league title and the Champion, and a sold out ticket of Sapporo Dome almost daily. After he left Japan, he became a manager of Kansas City Royals, Major League in U.S.A.

These are his reward for dedication and faithfulness to God. “I achieved my goal. I thank God.” God prepares a wonderful life for you. Open your mouth wide, and I will fill it.

Psalm 81:10

The day of Pentecost

All the churches were born on the day of Pentecost. In Old Testament, the word "church" wasn't mentioned, but a church is shown.

There are 7 dishes for oil on the tip of menorah’s 7 branches. Without pouring oil into these dishes and lighting it, it's useless as menorah.

In Mathew 3:11, John talked about the baptism of the Holy Spirit and fire. When Jesus was baptized in the Jordan which means flowing from above to bottom, the Holy Spirit descended like a dove.

People celebrated the festival of firstfruits on the day of Pentecost but where were the Christians who already believed Jesus and what did they do? In the Bible, it says divided tongues of fire, appeared to them from above at that time.

Jesus is the head and a church is the body. First, oil is poured on the dishes of menorah and next we light it. They couldn’t control their tongue. (It means they couldn’t stop speaking.)

The fire from God is light-up and burns up sins (ref. Mathew 3:12) and the power from above (This is a word origin of dynamite) was given to them.

What kind of power do today’s Christians rely on? Churches at that time spread out to the world by the power from above. The only thing they needed was this power.

Acts 1:7~8

A name of our church

I am often asked the name of our church . Some people ask me, “Is it Church on the Rock church or On the Rock church?”

If you surf the internet for “Church on the Rock”, you will find many churches with the same name. Actually, this name is very popular not only in Europe or English speaking countries, but also in Asia.

In the Bible, there are some names of churches, such as Ecclesia or a body of Christ. I think these are true name of church. Each church has different names but there is only one church in this world in God’s eyes, so Church on the Rock is a part of Christ’s body which shares the gospel to non-believers, produces churches or group of people to the area, and builds and hands over responsibility to disciples.

The day of Pentecost is May 23rd this year. A small ministry started from 1996 will have 14th birthday on this day. May 23rd is also the birthday for churches of Christ in this world.

Mathew 16:18

Grace of nature

Why does steam come out of a road? In the east side of Hokkaido many families enjoy a hot spring at home so the steam comes out of a manhole. (Also, they use the source of hot-spring water and it has a strong appeal to hot spring lovers.) Every day they can take a bath with natural hot spring water at home more luxurious than hot spring hotels. Although I tell them, it’s wonderful, they don’t have any reactions.

We enjoy great view on an arterial road from Kushiro airport. Although I tell the people there, that it's wonderful, for them it’s just a usual view.

Grace is given to us although we don’t deserve it. When people are blessed all the time, they take it for granted. We are saved through faith because of Jesus. This is a wonderful grace but the day when we were saved is not a goal. The time when a victorious crown is given to us from the Lord is the goal. We thank the Lord’s grace and run a race which is our life. Christian’s life has full of wonderful experiences.

1 Corinthians 9:23~25

A thing we make and a person who are created

This photo is a construction of a place for worship. Church on the Rock in Nakanoshima used to be a tenant but we bought it and the next door and renovated it.

Christians in Japan call a place for worship “Synagogue”. This is used as the same meaning of Synagogue for Jew’s meeting place, so when Christians in Japan build a new building, they call a construction of Synagogue.

However, a church in the Bible is “Ecclesia” and it means “people who believe and are called to get together”. " Synagogue" means a “place” for a religious meeting and Ecclesia is “people” who are gathered in the name of Christ.

Building can be rebuilt but the Holy Spirit is the one who transform people. The growth of a church is totally different from the standard of this world. When God who is the creator and people who are the creation become one by faith and love, a church is built on the rock.

Jeremiah 18:6

Mother's day

We gave presents to mothers on Mother’s day this year.

One lady was sent to heaven in Virginia state of America on the second Sunday of May in 1905. This lady was teaching to children at a Sunday school. She told a verse in the Bible, “respect your parents”, and asked them how we can express our thankfulness to our mothers. Her daughter, Anna Jarvis, who remembered what her mother had told her, expressed her thankfulness and condolence with a white carnation. Mother’s day movement began from her action and then the president of America instituted mother’s day in 1914.

God the Father showed invisible love with visible Jesus, His son. How do you express your love and thankfulness?

Colossians 1:15

Enduring love

6 years old girl taught us warm-hearted love. Elena Desserich was diagnosed with a brain cancer when she was 5 years old. I believe 9 months to follow was unimaginable battle for this little girl. After her short life, what did her family see? They found memos written “I love you” in drawers, bags, and various places in their house.

This is an inspirational love story. God’s love is bigger than people’s love. God’s love doesn’t have any limits or conditions and is unchanged. This is called Agape love. This love is written in the first Corinthians.

How can we know God’s love? Jesus loved us so much that He died on the cross and gave His life for us. We didn’t ask Him to do it or pay a cost. The one who believes and receives this love is blessed no matter what happens because he realizes he was born in order to be loved.

Isaiah 54:10