A business journal, Forbes, announced a billionaire’s list of athlete. The first is F. Mayweather and he has 6 billion 700 million yen. The second is Manny Pacquiao and he has 4 billion 900 million yen. The third is Tiger Woods.
People who succeeded from poverty or deprived situation are called American Dream but I would like to introduce a person who is nothing like as good as American Dream. He is Sun Myung Moon, a leader of sect, “the Unification church”.
According to the internal record, he and his family got 30 billion yen in 2011 and this money is from Japan. Two boxers above trained hard, lost weight, and had a rough game. After that, they received this reward. However, this leader just gave instructions and believers worked like a horse for him. However, this leader who says he is a resurrected lord has unlucky events, such as being sued by his wife and son, fighting for the next leader, and so on.
One of boxers above is in prison and another one is asked to divorce by his wife. Mr. Wood, Tiger divorced because of his bad behavior with many women.
Jesus told us we can’t serve both God and wealth. Christians can experience wonderfulness of serving God. This life is more wonderful than American dream and a cult leader.
Mathew 6:24
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