When I was a child, my family had a dog. We usually had a mixed-breed dog outside of our house but one time we had a pedigree Yorkshire terrier inside of our house. His name was Mimi. There was a parking lot in front of our house and our neighbors parked their car there but whenever my mother parked her car there, Mimi went to the entrance wagging his tail. This dog was so small that he couldn’t see outside from a window but he knew the sound of my mother’s car. Why can he recognize the sound of my mother’s car and other people’s car? Giving him food and taking care of him was my mother’s chores. I’m sure he became attached to my mother the most. Probably he was looking forward for her return and thinking, “Is she coming home soon? What is my dinner tonight? I want to lick her face and hug her.” all the time.
People are better than dog. We are the best creation of God, the Creator. Jesus said my sheep recognizes my voice. If We Christians focus our thoughts on Jesus in our daily life, we can recognize the voice of the Lord clearly. Although we hear attractive things in this world, don't be deceived by the voice that is similar but not the voice of the Lord. The voice of the Lord is filled with warm love, righteousness, and majesty.
John 1:1~16
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