We celebrated the 14th wedding anniversary on 8th of this month.
Whey my wife was single, she saved money every month and traveled abroad once a year. She didn’t say anything about it, when we got married but she was prepared for not traveling abroad again and buying her own clothes.
We grew up in a different environment. Her father was a government officer so her life was stable and down-to-earth. Not only that, her family had breakfast at 6 o’clock in the morning and a dinner at 5:30 p.m. together every day.
On the other hand, both of my parents worked and we had only 2 meals a day. We were typical night people.
After my wife and I got married, it was tough for me to adjust to her life style at first, but thanks to her I became a morning person.
Right now, we have chances to travel abroad and domestic. We haven’t imagined that it could happen in our life. She is working for a living even now and the precious offering is used for our ministry. We share marvelous thanksgiving, joy, and small pain at the same time.
Almighty God is telling us why He created people, to a man and a woman through our life.
Genesis 2:18
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