All the churches were born on the day of Pentecost. In Old Testament, the word "church" wasn't mentioned, but a church is shown.
There are 7 dishes for oil on the tip of menorah’s 7 branches. Without pouring oil into these dishes and lighting it, it's useless as menorah.
In Mathew 3:11, John talked about the baptism of the Holy Spirit and fire. When Jesus was baptized in the Jordan which means flowing from above to bottom, the Holy Spirit descended like a dove.
People celebrated the festival of firstfruits on the day of Pentecost but where were the Christians who already believed Jesus and what did they do? In the Bible, it says divided tongues of fire, appeared to them from above at that time.
Jesus is the head and a church is the body. First, oil is poured on the dishes of menorah and next we light it. They couldn’t control their tongue. (It means they couldn’t stop speaking.)
The fire from God is light-up and burns up sins (ref. Mathew 3:12) and the power from above (This is a word origin of dynamite) was given to them.
What kind of power do today’s Christians rely on? Churches at that time spread out to the world by the power from above. The only thing they needed was this power.
Acts 1:7~8
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