When I was a child, I was a TV child. When a criminal surrendered or leaves a prison in a detective story, a detective says, “Retrieve yourself and go through mainstream life.”
I heard an astonishing testimony of a man in India. This man killed many people in the past. He proclaimed he was racked with a sense of guilt at first but he couldn’t stop killing people so he was scared of himself. He was arrested after he killed 15 people and he thought he would be subject to capital punishment. He believed Jesus and became a Christian. He himself didn’t and doesn’t know what happened but surprisingly he was set free 5 years later. Right now this man dedicated his life to God and became a teary evangelist who shares sins and God’s forgiveness.
Sadly to say, recidivism rate is high in this world. There are some elements but if we don’t remove a root, it’s impossible for us to retrieve truly. The root is a character of “sin” which we have been taking over since Adam. The righteousness shows sin but people need God’s love to repent .
When people accepted the Lord and that Jesus, died on the cross for their sins, they experience great God’s love. When they repent and believe in Jesus, they experience to be born again. The Bible tells people who are born again can go through retrieved life by the power or the Holy Spirit although they are sinners.
1 Peter 1:3
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