Recently, poverty rate in Japan was released. Japan is the 4th among OECD countries. Surely, cost of living is expensive in Japan and we can’t feel wealth of life. It is true that some people are reduced to poor in some reasons. However, this poverty is one of big problems in the world. The definition of poverty is people can get less than 1 dollar a day although they work all day long. The Health, Labor and Welfare Ministry released the poverty rate in Japan shows how many low-income earners there are based on the middle of annual income. 2 pictures above are taken at the same street and at the same time. The one above is a wedding parade. A bridegroom is on a horse and moves to a party hall with music bands. The one below is a skinny beggar who watches the parade. There are many people who eat only garbage in slum areas in India. How do those poor people in India feel about Japanese people who buy tobacco or alcohol, have a cell phone, get a vaccination, and raise children by welfare from Japanese government? The standard of true poverty and richness is not the quantity of wealth. In the Bible, it doesn’t say poverty is a punishment from God or richness is a sin. There is a place in our heart where only God can fill. We can experience it by the grace of the Lord, Jesus Christ.
2 Corinthians 8:9
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