Suzuki, automotive company, and Volkswagen in Germany gave a news conference about a business alliance on 9th of Dec. 2009. It will be the biggest automotive company in the world. By the way, Suzuki car is the top-selling car in India and the big “winner”. On the news conference an interviewer asked, “will the president of this company still a Japanese?” The president of Suzuki answered, “my company is not as mediocre as we have to have a manager from Germany.” A company even an automotive company or a ramen shop can’t survive without training people. If churches in Japan are asked the same question, how do they answer? I think pastors in Japan are serious, responsible, and “good people” but after they get old and retired, it’s impossible to raise people. When they are asked, “if you go up to heaven tomorrow, what will happen to your church?” If they answer, “my church is not as mediocre as we have to have someone from other churches.”, I can’t help praising the name of the Lord.
Ephesians 4:12~13
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