This photo was taken from a car window and we are heading to a village in India. The only thing that we can see is lights of jeep in front of us. Roads were not paved and darkness covered everything. The driver of the jeep was driving so fast, as if he tried to get away from us. Our driver was also driving so fast because, he tried not to lose the jeep in front of us. This is the real India, while I was watching this car race, I was looking back on the past of our church. The first Sunday when I prayed at my apartment. The church that I started by myself. The day that I prayed all night for salvation. The time when I was reduced to poverty and relied on the Lord. When I felt I was in a long tunnel without an exit, I prayed for power from heaven.
The Israelite was wandering in a wilderness for 40 years. They felt the Promised land and God’s covenant were far away from them but the Lord was in front of them to guide them.
God guides us with a pillar of cloud in daytime and with a pillar of fire at night.
God is the one who keeps guiding God’s churches in this new year and in the future.
Exodus 13:21
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