This photo is a Christmas party in Nakanoshima.
Flute playing set the mood for the party and the annual Hula dance was performed. The party was like a house party and we had a good time there but the main character of Christmas is not Santa Clause, Christmas tree, or presents. That is the Savior who came to this world as a baby for all of us. Merry means joyful and Christmas means a service of Christ. Time goes fast and the year 2009 will pass away soon. We had countless God’s blessings this year, too. We rejoiced, comforted, and saw God’s miracles. When we look back on our life, we notice that our life was great. That’s the time when we affirm what kind of footsteps our merciful God left for us.
My soul. Praise the Lord. Don’t forget what the Lord has done for us.
Psalm 103:2
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