Neil Thompson has been visiting many churches dressed like Jesus Christ for the last 22 years in Missouri. According to news, this overtly religious man went to a church as usual but a deacon asked him to sit on a corridor and didn’t let him enter the cathedral of St. Paul Lutheran church. When Thompson refuted, “aren’t you rude? This is not the proper attitude to me.”, he was called for the police and vacated. In the 11th of Nov. issue of MSN News of Japan posted this article with his photo. I don’t know the detail about this happening but I thought this is thought-provoking news for churches today.
A church is a place where people get together through the name of Christ, Christ is the head and it is built on the rock of salvation but people are easy to be bound by visible things, self-centered thinking, tradition, or form.
When we see Jews in the Bible, it is clear that people are religious living creatures. Of course, a church is not a building but a congregation of Christians which are people but we have to know that to preference for people instead of Christ or to bring a religion or secularism into a church is totally different from the congregation of Christians. It’s not a kingdom without a King. In the same way, if Christ is not the head, it’s not a church.
In Revelation, it says Jesus Christ stands at the door and knocks in the last days. Look unto the one who is the author and finisher of our faith and follow Him just like our head and body are one. This is the truth which today’s churches shouldn’t lose amid being required complexity, diversity, and information.
John 17:21
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