Hope Chapel is a church in Kaneohe, Hawaii. They love Japanese people and do wonderful ministry. Most of missionaries from the church come to Japan without knowing Japanese language and work and start a mini church. Right now, some churches are planted in Kanto, Kansai, and Okinawa. Pastor Ralph Moore who is the founder, had been teaching that the important thing for a church is not the form but the function as the body of Christ.
Church is not a religion but God’s house or God’s family. The one who governs the place where hope is filled is Jesus who is the high priest.
Hope Chapel has Sunday service with a Japanese interpretation at Kahala Mall in Waikiki. If you go to Hawaii, please join God’s house and God’s family.
Hope Chapel Kahala Campus
From 9:30 a.m. on Sundays
With a simultaneous interpretation
At Kahala Theater in Kahala Mall
Hebrew 3:6
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