My father caught a cold on 17th of Oct. and couldn’t attend Sunday service. The next day,while I was on a subway, I had a phone call from my mother. She told me my father has a fever and can’t stop shivering. I went home and saw him wearing heavy layers of clothes and wrapped with a futon and a blanket. Although a heater was on, he was shivering. He refused to go to the hospital. After I talked to him, I asked him to pray to Jesus and laid my hand on him. All he could do was to say “Amen”.
Honestly, I'm prepared for the worst situation. My father is 84 years old and had a big surgery twice. Even after he accepted Jesus, whenever he is sick, he went to a hospital right away. It was the first time that he to rely only on Jesus and ask Him for healing. A few minutes later, his shiver stopped and I heard him breathing normally while sleeping. It was not the normal temperature but his fever went down in the evening and I put a refrigerant on his forehead. He ate ice cream after dinner. He was healed by Jesus.
The Lord answered his first agonized prayer. I took the word of Jesus, if you have faith like a mustard seed, to my heart.
Mathew 17:20
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