The time when a person whom I laid my hand was healed for the first time was in 1994. In 1996, I experienced a miracle when a car had an electrical problem and was recovered and moved. On 31st of Dec. 2002, I laid my hand on HIV patient at a hospital and this man got out of the hospital and went back to his job. God did powerful works in Japan, India, Sri Lanka, Indonesia, and so on. However, I myself have “a thorn in my body”. If any miracles don’t happen during this mission trip this summer, I decided to treat it for my future.
Those who misunderstand about healing think “why we can’t heal ourselves.” God himself is the almighty God and nothing is impossible for Him but people don’t have the power to heal others anytime and anywhere. The only thing that disciples could do was to proclaim “Be healed in the name of Jesus Christ.” by their faith.
I myself have “a thorn in my body” and can’t heal even myself but I have faith like this. The Lord is powerful in our weakness and His grace is big enough for us. Jesus Christ can heal our mind and body. The healer shows His power and glory in the future.
2 Corinthians12:9
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