Indonesia is called spa heaven. It’s so comfortable and gets sleepy while we get a massage but a foot massage is different. I had pain till the next day. Feet are indicator of our health and foot care is very important.
This photo is a magnet that Jesus washes disciple’s feet. I bought it at a Christian bookstore in Sapporo. The Lord said, “The one who bathed doesn’t need to wash except feet.” The only body part that touches ground is our feet.
Christians who were forgiven and became God’s children are the ones who were cleansed. The body of Christ might get dirty with soil, sands, and mud to save sinners. Although our body became dirty, the dirt is only on the surface of our body and if we wash it away, cleansed body will be shown.
Churches can take care of sinners just like the Lord’s hands became dirty.
Genesis 24:32
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