One of the staple dish in Hawaii is a Chicken Long Rice. It looks simple but it’s so delicious. The one who cooked this dish for me for the first time was Pastor Shimaoka from Hawaii. His cooking was in an awkward manner but he cooked it for me with great care. I’ve never forgotten the taste of it. Dei from Hawaii and my wife cooked the same dish and it’s so delicious. Taste is a little different from home to home but it’s delicious no matter who cooks.
The gospel is the same. The one who shares the gospel has a character but the gospel itself guides people to salvation. I can’t talk well. Although I talk, who listen to me? You don’t need to be worried about these things. We don’t have a responsibility or a power to save people. Christian’s responsibility is to share the gospel and salvation is God’s work.
Romans 1:16
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