Indonesia is the biggest Muslim country in the world. It means Christians there are under fierce pressure in various ways. It is surprising that more than 10% of Indonesians believe Jesus Christ even in this situation. What is the difference from Japan which has less than 1% of the population although the freedom of religion and evangelism is guaranteed?
I witnessed a situation on an airplane from Singapore to Indonesia. There was a lady who sits next to us, when she finished eating lunch, she started to put dishes and silverwares into her bag. When a cabin attendant came to collect plates and utensils, the lady returned only an empty tray as if nothing had happened. The cabin attendant said unenthusiastically, “give them back quickly.” The lady returned the dishes from her bag wearily. The cabin attendant said, “you also took a spoon and a fork.” and after she collected everything, she left there as if nothing had happened.
This is just an example but this is normal in this country. It means people in this country know they don’t have the perfect righteousness in their heart although they are fervent.
The thirstiness and hungriness are the source that draws people to Jesus Christ. The Savior is the only one who can make us righteous by grace which forgives our sins. Nothing is more than conscious than Japanese people. Although we put on our surface, it’s just a fig leaf. (Genesis 3:7) The one which Japanese people need might be pure heart like a little child and Indonesian people.
Mathew 5:6