Jesus used a parable of sheep. People who heard this story couldn’t understand what it means. Sadly to say, even some of today’s Christians don’t understand it.
I’ll tell you 2 examples.
One of them is the one who draws nourished sheep (Christians) in different places or flocks to his or her place in various ways. He or she explains a reason which sounds like the truth but his or her motivation is not from God. The Bible says it is from flesh which is inherited from Adam because the motivation is to draw people to him or herself. God’s will is to share the gospel to non-believers, draw them to Jesus who is the head, and nurture and take care of them.
* The reason why I didn’t use the word, “other churches”, is churches are one body which is consisted of all the Christians. Usually, churches in Japan use this word, “other churches”, as people or churches which transfer other church members. When Christians take care of people who were out of heresy or cult groups, it is not applied.
Another example is a thief of sheep. I already told about this but all the Christians are a part of one body. It might be as small as a cell. If someone is out of Christian group, the word “a thief” is suitable but someone moves to different group inside of a Christian group, he or she is not stolen. The stance that a sheep is someone’s property is wrong.
If there are some Christians or churches which think like above in your area, it is difficult to become one or build up trustful relations. What the body of Christ needs is not to break up or disunite but to become one and love each other. The element of destruction or doubt has to be removed.
The one who believes Jesus and is born again is a sheep and the good shepherd is the Savior Himself. The one who paid a precious price for salvation is God. To discern the voice and follow Jesus are God’s and our joy.
John 10:14