ローマ人への手紙 5章1節
Prosperity in the Lord
In Psalm, it says the one who rejoices teaching of the Lord makes fruits and prospers whatever he does when the time has come.
Yes, that’s true. Whatever we do such as education, business, medical care, art, sports, we prosper.
Someone said, “God’s kingdom is beyond prosperity in this world.”
For Christians prosperity is not the purpose but if this prosperity can be used for a mission in the world, it’s a wonderful blessing. God bless God’s family who tries the best for the Lord.
Psalm 35:27
Yes, that’s true. Whatever we do such as education, business, medical care, art, sports, we prosper.
Someone said, “God’s kingdom is beyond prosperity in this world.”
For Christians prosperity is not the purpose but if this prosperity can be used for a mission in the world, it’s a wonderful blessing. God bless God’s family who tries the best for the Lord.
Psalm 35:27
Prepare for legs
They are outdoor shoes I have been wearing for a long time. There are less unpaved roads in Sapporo but there are less paved roads in countries where we do mission.
People who lived in the time of the Bible didn’t have shoes like these but they kept walking. I don’t take care of these shoes so often but I think I can wear them more. When I wear these shoes which are the preparation for mission, I can feel myself straightening.
Ephesians 6:15
People who lived in the time of the Bible didn’t have shoes like these but they kept walking. I don’t take care of these shoes so often but I think I can wear them more. When I wear these shoes which are the preparation for mission, I can feel myself straightening.
Ephesians 6:15
Pea sprout
We see this vegetable a lot in Asia. Recently, we can buy it at a supermarket in Japan. After eating it, if we water it, it grows so we can eat it after a week or so. Why does it grow again? God who is a creator made it in that way.
Paul said, ”I planted and Apollo watered but the one who grows is God.” It seems people are raising other people but without life we can’t do anything. If we connect to Jesus, Christians grow.
John 15:5
Paul said, ”I planted and Apollo watered but the one who grows is God.” It seems people are raising other people but without life we can’t do anything. If we connect to Jesus, Christians grow.
John 15:5
And, in that country
At this moment Mr. Santorum is surging as a candidate of the Republican Party so the election might be messed up beyond all recognition. Until recently election to the White House seemed like Christians vesus Mormons.
We can say this embodies current America. How do people who go to church on Sundays think about this? When we think about the number of people who go to a church every Sunday, it is difficult to understand this election has no effect on this country. Of course, there are honorable Christians and churches where are filled with presence of the Lord in America but according to some data, the state of Hawaii is the only state where the number of Christians is increasing and it seems millions of believers don’t have faith affected the basis of the Bible.
After the World War 2 Japan was pioneered by missionaries from America or North Europe. Now is the time to pray for America not just for Jerusalem.
1 John 5:16
We can say this embodies current America. How do people who go to church on Sundays think about this? When we think about the number of people who go to a church every Sunday, it is difficult to understand this election has no effect on this country. Of course, there are honorable Christians and churches where are filled with presence of the Lord in America but according to some data, the state of Hawaii is the only state where the number of Christians is increasing and it seems millions of believers don’t have faith affected the basis of the Bible.
After the World War 2 Japan was pioneered by missionaries from America or North Europe. Now is the time to pray for America not just for Jerusalem.
1 John 5:16
Oh, Jerusalem!
I saw two interesting announcements about Jews.
One of them is a number. 4 people out of 5 believe the Lord, God, and 51% of Jews are waiting for Messiah. Those numbers has been increasing recent years.
Another announcement is a challenge for Christians. The growth rate of Christians among Jews is the lowest. Of course, everyone is not called for evangelizing Jews. How do many organizations who are evangelizing Jews think about this announcement?
For comparison, 77% of Jews feel some power is leading this world in this unusual time.
Ezekiel 39:21~22
One of them is a number. 4 people out of 5 believe the Lord, God, and 51% of Jews are waiting for Messiah. Those numbers has been increasing recent years.
Another announcement is a challenge for Christians. The growth rate of Christians among Jews is the lowest. Of course, everyone is not called for evangelizing Jews. How do many organizations who are evangelizing Jews think about this announcement?
For comparison, 77% of Jews feel some power is leading this world in this unusual time.
Ezekiel 39:21~22
Necessary things fro trip
Whenever I travel, I pack necessary things compactly. The more I travel, the more I find out unnecessary things.
The Bible tells us our life in this world is a trip. What is necessary things for the trip in this world? Someone says this life is like a voyage. That means a map is the Bible, a captain is the Lord, Jesus, and wind is the Holy Spirit.
Psalm 119:19
The Bible tells us our life in this world is a trip. What is necessary things for the trip in this world? Someone says this life is like a voyage. That means a map is the Bible, a captain is the Lord, Jesus, and wind is the Holy Spirit.
Psalm 119:19
What is Bible cult?
You haven’t heard this word so much but this is a big problem for churches today.
In Act 20, Paul warned to elders. In verse 29, it says savage wolves will come in to devastate a flock of sheep. These wolves are totally different from sheep and come in from outside. In verse 30, it talks about people who speak perverse things. They try to pull people closer to themselves. Everyone thought they are family members but they show their true color after Paul left.
What kind of people is the target of Bible cult group? The target is Christians who seek the truth, are young and week, and have some problems. Christians are raised by the word of God every day, walk in the Spirit, and grow.
True disciples raise people to connect to Christ, not to visible things.
Act 20:31
In Act 20, Paul warned to elders. In verse 29, it says savage wolves will come in to devastate a flock of sheep. These wolves are totally different from sheep and come in from outside. In verse 30, it talks about people who speak perverse things. They try to pull people closer to themselves. Everyone thought they are family members but they show their true color after Paul left.
What kind of people is the target of Bible cult group? The target is Christians who seek the truth, are young and week, and have some problems. Christians are raised by the word of God every day, walk in the Spirit, and grow.
True disciples raise people to connect to Christ, not to visible things.
Act 20:31
Japanese and mission
Pastor Nakazawa, Issac has been ministering more than 25 years in Iino, Saitama prefecture. He had lived in Peru and America so he has language skill. Moreover, he has DNA of a missionary. (His father was a missionary.) People thought he is suited to a missionary but he himself thought his mission is a shepherd.
There was a great change in Pastor Issac’s heart last year. The Holy Spirit taught him he also has a responsibility for a mission as a Japanese Christian.
Someone came to this county and evangelized people so Christians and churches are in this country right now. It is natural to think churches in Japan should evangelize Japanese people first. (Actually, churches in the first century did it.)
We need to give others not only receiving in order to grow. We join the mission to the world Jesus ordered to us. What a wonderful life we have!
Mark 16:15~18
There was a great change in Pastor Issac’s heart last year. The Holy Spirit taught him he also has a responsibility for a mission as a Japanese Christian.
Someone came to this county and evangelized people so Christians and churches are in this country right now. It is natural to think churches in Japan should evangelize Japanese people first. (Actually, churches in the first century did it.)
We need to give others not only receiving in order to grow. We join the mission to the world Jesus ordered to us. What a wonderful life we have!
Mark 16:15~18
To be honest
I happened to meet one of pastors in Dec. 2011. I shared about an issue of heresy and cult group to him. After that, he asked me whether I have a time or not so we decided to go to a café. I thought he wanted to talk about cult but suddenly he said, “I have to apologize to you.” He told me he heard bad things about me from other pastors and he had malicious intent toward me. It was more than 10 years ago and he didn’t say any bad words or denigrate to me. He just had malicious intent in his heart but he apologized me. I felt refreshed as if I was in a forest.
Bible tells us although we don’t commit adultery, if we commit adultery in our heart, it’s the same. We are not perfect so we need to repent ourselves. I learned the honesty in the Lord from this pastor.
Psalm 31:23
Bible tells us although we don’t commit adultery, if we commit adultery in our heart, it’s the same. We are not perfect so we need to repent ourselves. I learned the honesty in the Lord from this pastor.
Psalm 31:23
Path of snow and fruits of Japanese yew
It started to snow earlier than last year this year. When I walked around, I found trees of Japanese yew. Red fruits were on white snow so I could see red and white clearer.
The Holy God sees people’s sin much clearer. Sin like burning scarlet will be changed to whiter than snow by God. Bible tells us the reason why Jesus came to this world is to forgive our sins.
Isaiah 1:18
The Holy God sees people’s sin much clearer. Sin like burning scarlet will be changed to whiter than snow by God. Bible tells us the reason why Jesus came to this world is to forgive our sins.
Isaiah 1:18
Beauty of the light
We enjoy various kinds of illumination in Dec. This Christmas tree changes its color and children gaze in wonder but some people think it’s not beautiful although they see the same Christmas tree. They say people who don’t celebrate idol worship, pagan symbol, or Christmas are the only biblical people. Not only pagan organizations say such a thing.
The light of this tree is for appreciation and not the eternal light. People were created to hate darkness and to seek the light. The one who loves darkness is afraid of coming out of it and runs away from the light. The one who follows Jesus doesn’t walk in the darkness. God’s love comes before fear of revealing everything.
John 8:12
The light of this tree is for appreciation and not the eternal light. People were created to hate darkness and to seek the light. The one who loves darkness is afraid of coming out of it and runs away from the light. The one who follows Jesus doesn’t walk in the darkness. God’s love comes before fear of revealing everything.
John 8:12
The time we spend with travelers
The Ow family visited Sapporo in Dec. 2011. They had been ministering in Sapporo for 7 years. They came from Singapore where is more than 30 degrees in whole year to Sapporo where becomes minus 10 degrees in winter. They came from the country where has more than 15 % of Christians to the country where is called a grave of mission.
The time with them became the time we thanked to the Lord.
Romans 12:13
The time with them became the time we thanked to the Lord.
Romans 12:13
Heavy bottles of jam
Someone gave me a paper bag. It was heavy and I saw bottles of jam. After I thanked him and went back home, I took these bottles out. Coins were closely packed in them. These bottles are his offering to God. I knew it was hard for him to give this kind of offering. Maybe, he steadily piles up savings.
The Lord sees his heart and He will bless him.
Genesis 4:4
The Lord sees his heart and He will bless him.
Genesis 4:4
Men who get off their knees
We had a chapter meeting of FGB. They deepen friendship in the Lord twice a month. They work everyday but set themselves the goal of reading the Bible 16 chapters each everyday.
The Lord will grow them and use them for Japan in the future.
1 Corinthians 16:13
The Lord will grow them and use them for Japan in the future.
1 Corinthians 16:13
And 2012
Last year was filled with grace. This photo is from the upper floor of a hotel. All the lights are so small as compared to darkness covering city side.
Population of Christians is less than 1% but where are the people who seek God, truth, and love? We had many gloomy news, such as the Great East Japan Earthquake, flood in Thailand, and appreciating yean beyond example. Anxiety, such as deteriorating competitiveness because of aging population combined with the diminishing number of children and the sheer numbers of people who receive welfare recipients and commit a suicide, comes across us. However, no matter how small the light is, it has the power shining darkness. The light inside of believers is much shiner than any lights in this world.
New year came. Let’s walk like children of the light.
Ephesians 5:8
Population of Christians is less than 1% but where are the people who seek God, truth, and love? We had many gloomy news, such as the Great East Japan Earthquake, flood in Thailand, and appreciating yean beyond example. Anxiety, such as deteriorating competitiveness because of aging population combined with the diminishing number of children and the sheer numbers of people who receive welfare recipients and commit a suicide, comes across us. However, no matter how small the light is, it has the power shining darkness. The light inside of believers is much shiner than any lights in this world.
New year came. Let’s walk like children of the light.
Ephesians 5:8
Goodbye, 2011
Today is the last day of 2011. There are many good things this year, too. We had wonderful messages of guest speakers and worship concerts. We had a wonderful time with a mission team from Hawaii and some people were saved in Japan. We prayed to God as one for Pentecost and cerebrated for Christmas as one. We saw amazing miracles and growth in mission in overseas. Although people don’t understand everything, grace of the Lord is anointing every day.
This photo is a fried chicken which was won by a boarding pass. Luckily, I won Big Mac twice this year.
After I believed Jesus, my day was changed to joy and blessings. The Lord’s blessings are countless.
Psalm 103:2
This photo is a fried chicken which was won by a boarding pass. Luckily, I won Big Mac twice this year.
After I believed Jesus, my day was changed to joy and blessings. The Lord’s blessings are countless.
Psalm 103:2
Warmth in winter
We had a Christmas party at our church and someone told me, “It was a good Christmas. This is the Christmas at a church.” Also, another person told me, “ We celebrated a birthday of Jesus. That was the only thing we did but we felt warm.” This year, we didn’t do any games or skits. We had a simple program.
Outside was a couple of degrees below zero but our church was filled with warmth. Maybe, shepherds or the wise men of the east felt the same warmth of God.
Isaiah 7:14
Outside was a couple of degrees below zero but our church was filled with warmth. Maybe, shepherds or the wise men of the east felt the same warmth of God.
Isaiah 7:14
ヨハネの手紙第一 5章16節
エゼキエル書 39章21~22節

ヤコブの手紙 2章18節
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