I flit hither and thither last year. When I became a Christian, It's amazing that I travel on a plane so often but there are some users who fly with surprisingly-high frequency.
Jet setter
Literally, jet setters are businessmen who travel all over the world. Of course, they are regular attendants of business class. It sounds good, isn’t it?
Ascetic trainer
Each airline company has a mileage program. (In England, it’s FFP.) Ascetic trainers are the people who keep boarding to become the highest member of the program. (They don’t get on the flight for business or traveling.) They take a connection instead of a direct flight or make a round trip many times on the same route to save mileage.
Milers are the people who try to save mileage as much as possible. They use a campaign or go shopping with a mileage card and get a free travel voucher.
How do Christians fly? The Bible says we fly like an eagle. An eagle is the symbol of king among birds. Some countries use this bird on their national flag or an emblem and hope to make a huge leap. Christians walk on God’s plan which is more sublime than any goals in this world. This world might not understand this but Christians keep running without weary and walking without tiring. They are like a rising eagle toward the Lord, Jesus, who is the sun of righteous.
Isaiah 40:27~31
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