It is full of life on the street of India. Honking horns, walking buffaloes, angry people shouting, and beggars. Foreigners don’t get used to see a beggar so they give him or her coins out of pity. It is tricky that there is a true beggar in unavoidable circumstance and a member of beggar’s organization. To tell the truth, his or her annual income is more than the average annual income in India.
A policeman conducted sting operation against the organization. According to the operation, each area has a leader and he manages profit. The most surprising thing is an education system for a beggar. Intern learns patience, expression, and technique of a picker. Lastly, he or she learns how to use chemicals.
It is clear that a beggar has professional awareness. Japanese people think he or she should use his or her labor to other thing. It is true that children of this world are quicker to trigger for themselves than children of the light. Christians are saved by God’s grace and faith but we might need to be quicker to trigger than worldly children of this world for God.
Luke 16:8
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