When I went to McDonald with my wife, two boys screamed, “This is mine!”“No. It’s mine!” while their mother ordered their hamburgers, one of them started crying. The mother went to their table and said, “What are you doing?” The crying boy said, “This is mine but he took it.” and kept crying. The mother said, “You have two toys and both of them are the same so don’t cry.” These two boys had exactly the same toys.
Why do people look other people’s thing attractive and want to have it?
The Bible teaches us the true abundance is to be satisfied with the way you are and be thankful in everything. Why can’t people let go off the thing when they think it is theirs?
Jesus talked to disciples that he who finds his life will lose it and he who loses his life for My sake will find it. God is the one who gives us the true abundance and eternal life.
Mathew 10:39
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