Do you remember a case of Ashikaga? This case aroused criticism about false accusation, investigative methods, and DNA analysis.
It was the sad event for Mr. Sugaya who was arrested in 1991 and he lost his time until he was released in 2009 and bereaved family who lost their daughter in 1990.
People sometimes think their own consideration or a scholarly aspect is absolute. We can say this case is a tragedy which had a series of overconfidence. True faith is the one which we have never seen, heard, and thought. (1 Cor. 2:9) The world can’t receive the one who shows it to us. (John 14:17) When a church trusts people’s interpretation, theology, or a visible organization, history proves it fails to make the same mistake.
If we ask God “Lord, talk to me” from our heart at any times and places, the Lord teaches and guides us all the time. The foolishness of God is wiser than men and the weakness of God is stronger than men.
1 Corinthians 1:25
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