Economist Intelligence Unit, which is an investigative bureau, surveyed 144 countries and made a list of peaceful country.
The best country is New Zealand. The second is Denmark. The third is Norway.
I understood that this is a proper result. Japan is the 8th and we received high evaluation.
There are 23 items to survey these countries and I assume the worst country can be difficult to judge because a definition of terrorism or murder and a general idea of human rights are different depending on countries.
I have visited India many times and I feel there is a fine line between life and death. Persecuted Christians, clashes between Hindu and Muslim, random murders by Maoist rebel group, death of people, and policeman’s shoot-ups by terrorists. There are many cases that we can’t think of in Japan, such as death from electricity or brujo’s poison. We don’t know how many cases are reported in India. I know there are some cases that are not dealt as murder cases, it's when discriminated people are murdered.
In the Bible, it says the true peace is brought by God’s kingdom where king is Christ. Is it impossible to make peace in this society? No. There are things what God’s children can do in this world. God’s kingdom starts from inside of believers. Oh, Lord. Keep changing us to make peace.
Mathew 5:9
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