We expect something when we hear a hidden store, a hidden song, a hidden hot spring, and a hidden something.
I bought a car for the first time in several years. (My previous car became our church-only car.) I informed to a car dealer that my budget is around 400,000 yen, newer than 2004, 4WD, and SUV and he said it’s impossible to find that kind of car. He also said if you increase your budget, it’s possible to find it. While I was praying and looking for it, finally I bought a car which fits my conditions.
When I checked a user review, the car is a hidden car which has a high reputation. The reason why it was cheap is although the quality is high, it was not sold because it’s unpopular. According to a survey, 3% of the market was a watershed.
The population of Christians in Japan is less than 1%. Low birthrate and longevity are accelerating and the population in Japan is decreasing. The nation’s economic situation is worsening. (There are some perspectives.) The number of suicide victims per 100,000 people is the most among countries surveyed by OECD. What kind of future do Japanese people have in this situation?
The almighty Lord already prepared a hidden something in this country. It is hope. It is a menorah which is a lucent flaming lamp. In fact, it is a church. Although we hear gloomy news, the Lord gives us peace, future, and hope.
Jeremiah 29:11
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