This photo is a Sunday service at Hope Chapel Kaneohe Bay. They have a service several times from Fri. to Sun. and attendees and worship teams are different depend on service.
Here is a Christian joke.
If 3 Christians in America get together, they start to worship God.
If 3 Christians in Korea get together, they start to pray to God.
If 3 Christians in Japan get together, they start to argue.
(The last part is not a good idea.)
When Hope Chapel started a guitar class for a mini church worship team, 50 people attended the class. In the Bible, it talks about people who worship God. They play musical instrument, dance, raise their hands, kneel down, and so on. When we worship God from our heart, we are filled with beautiful God’s presence. This is a wonderful time that we can’t replace with anything.
Psalm 22:3
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