There has been intimidating situation in Andra Pradesh state in India since the end of last year. Conflict between Andra people and Terangana people has heated up because one of them wants to split up this state. (Thousands of people joined demonstrations and 4 people committed suicide for protest, so the government placed the entire area under a 24-hour curfew.) The problem is Hyderabad, the capital city of A.P. state, might belong to the new state. This is a good chance for Terangana people to escape from poverty but Andra people think their big companies might be bereaved by the new state. This is a serious problem for both of them.
By the way, this photo is a daily life in India. There are many flocks of cows, buffaloes, goats, and pigs there. These animals are walking on the street as if they own the place. Although people are in a savage situation, these animals don’t care and walk as they like.
People supposed to be better than animals. We supposed to know that throwing our life away or bereaving other’s life is a big problem and a sin.
Please pray for them with me. Heavenly Father Please have mercy on people in India. They don’t know what they are doing.
Mathew 6:26
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