It is something that happened in the center of Sapporo.
An old couple was waiting for a green light at an intersection. Although a traffic light was still red, the lady tried to cross the street so her husband stopped her and said, “did you open your eyes?” She answered, “I had waited for a long time so I thought the light changed to green.” The traffic light for pedestrians will not change until the light for cars changes in both sides. I presumed she might try to cross the street after the light changes in one side so I was watching her. She started to cross the street as I thought. I said to her “it’s still red” and her husband yelled at her “do you want to kill yourself?” at the same time. She couldn’t understand what he said and she said, “I was waiting for a long time.” He got mad to her and yelled, “you must be blind.”
Blind faith : When people assume I know and I’m right, they can’t see the important thing.
Even Saul had the same experience. He persecuted churches because of his religious knowledge and authority. It is because of species from Adam. As soon as Adam and Eve thought they could see, they lost their situations and God. Aren’t Christians caught by things which are other than God without notice? We need to let the Holy Spirit open the eyes in our heart.
Ephesians 1:18~19
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