I attended a conference for churches in Asia and Oceania in Malaysia in 2004. Youth team worshiped energetically and people testified God’s works in persecutions. I was so blessed by God. Everything was over and I was relaxing with other pastors at a café in Penang airport. However, my bag was stolen there. There were a wallet, a passport, a cell phone, and an air ticket in the bag. We hunted for the thief and my bag but we couldn’t find them. We went to a police station at the airport but a police man told us the thief went out already. Finally, I understood that my friend had told me “Theft Asia” (A pronunciation of South East Asia and Theft Asia is the same in Japanese language.) The pastors gave me their money but I felt lonely because I can’t speak English. They left Penang and I thought “Oh, no!” I had to go to the Japanese Embassy in Kuala Lumpur by myself. It was late at night so I tried to go to a hotel which has a Japanese worker. I bargained with a taxi driver and reached the hotel but the Japanese worker was not there. I just worshiped God at my hotel room and prayed honestly to Him. “Lord, why did this happen to me? I don’t understand the meaning of this worst happening in my life.” The Holy Spirit spoke to me softly but clearly. “When you were born, what did you have?” My answer was “nothing but just life.” When we get older, we can’t let go off many things. “Without this, ~.” “If we have only this, ~.” We are controlled by these thoughts and go through inconvenient and troubled life. “True life” told by Jesus hits our heart. After my heart was filled with peace and thankfulness from God, one of pastors in Malaysia visited my room. God already prepared everything for me to go back to Japan. Although people get the world, if they don’t have the true life, they gain nothing. What can people hold out to buy back the life?
Mathew 16:26
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