This photo is Ryo from Life Chapel International. He is interpreting message from Japanese to English at his church.
In the Old Testament, God ordered to Moses to tell what God said to King Pharaoh in Egypt. God’s plan was to do His miracles through Moses and free Israelite from slavery. However, Moses insisted to God that he is not good at speaking so King Pharaoh wouldn’t listen to him. That means he wanted to say, “I can’t do it.”
Christians in these days say the same thing. For example, God tells you clearly to share the gospel in other country but you can’t speak the local language. Before you say, “I can’t do it”, please look at the works that God did to Moses.
When you think it is impossible, rely on great and powerful God.
Jesus said, “God can do the everything what people can’t do.”
Luke 18:27
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