I visited Indonesia this autumn. Indonesia is the place where the world’s highest number of Muslim people lives. When I visited there, it was Ramadan so businesses, schools, shops were closed for more than a month. Reading a Koran and prayer were rang out 5 times a day from mosques, but from Saturday night to Sunday morning people pray loudly for a festival all night long. In the morning, when I looked outside from a hotel balcony, I found out 4 mosques were in one direction. I realized that I was in a pagan country.
How about Japan? It is natural to hear bells from a temple on 31st of Dec. Most people go to shrine on 1st of Jan. Our thought, culture, education, sense of value are different from the Bible. When God came to this world as a human being, how did He feel? To live in a pagan country for Christians is God’s will because Jesus loved us so much and He came to this world.
John 1:11~12
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