2 months had passed since a church in Andra Pradesh state lost a place to worship God. Christians in Japan have prayed from our heart that He gives a place for worship. How many times do they have to experience the same thing? Although they explained everything to an owner of a house, paid a rent every month, and kept a promise, they had to move out of their land many times. Since they are Christians and dalit people, they are in a vulnerable position.
One day, one of Christian landlord lent them his land. They started to build a hut in a rush. While they were building the hut, the landlord didn’t ask them to pay a rent. Since the land is next to a buffalo’s breeding place, it smells of excretion and has many bugs. Even some Indians think the place is unsanitary. But the land is a long-awaited place where they can praise and worship God. In the Bible, it talks about rebuilt David’s tabernacle. When, where, and how was the tabernacle built? The tabernacle is a place filled with God’s presence and glory. The Christians who built the hut have to move out from there within 3 years but on that day, God himself will prepare a new David’s tabernacle for them. We keep praising and worshipping God until the Lord comes back again.
Acts 15:16~18
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