When I was in a car in Indonesia on 11th of Mar, 2011, I received a phone call from a pastor there. He told me big earthquake and tsunami hit Japan and many people were killed so I should call my family in Japan. The next day, photos of devastated area in Japan were on the first page of all the newspapers but the content of Indonesia’s news was different from the Japanese one. When Japanese government announced radiation leakage it wasn't verified from the Nuclear power plant in Fukushima, newspapers in other countries reported 5 U.S. soldiers who went to the N. plant were exposed to radiation and some photos were also posted.
In any countries, government controls information at some level to avoid from going into nation’s panic but I can say it’s lack of plan to upgrade the accident assessment to level 7 after the election. (The reason why I don’t write “information manipulation” is it’s dangerous to think the same as cult groups.) The government may be concern for nation but it needs prompt actions when it urges people to evacuate or they feel threatens.
Christians already received eternal life. Peace from God is different from controlled “peace-addiction”. Many people take alarm at a nuclear accident or earthquake in this world. When we look back what we were in the past, we feel it doesn’t change that much although we cry out to Japanese government or mass communication for clarifying all the information. What churches have to declare louder is people will be judged by God and Jesus Christ is Savior who forgives any sins.
2 Timothy 2:14~15
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