Information control
When I was in a car in Indonesia on 11th of Mar, 2011, I received a phone call from a pastor there. He told me big earthquake and tsunami hit Japan and many people were killed so I should call my family in Japan. The next day, photos of devastated area in Japan were on the first page of all the newspapers but the content of Indonesia’s news was different from the Japanese one. When Japanese government announced radiation leakage it wasn't verified from the Nuclear power plant in Fukushima, newspapers in other countries reported 5 U.S. soldiers who went to the N. plant were exposed to radiation and some photos were also posted.
In any countries, government controls information at some level to avoid from going into nation’s panic but I can say it’s lack of plan to upgrade the accident assessment to level 7 after the election. (The reason why I don’t write “information manipulation” is it’s dangerous to think the same as cult groups.) The government may be concern for nation but it needs prompt actions when it urges people to evacuate or they feel threatens.
Christians already received eternal life. Peace from God is different from controlled “peace-addiction”. Many people take alarm at a nuclear accident or earthquake in this world. When we look back what we were in the past, we feel it doesn’t change that much although we cry out to Japanese government or mass communication for clarifying all the information. What churches have to declare louder is people will be judged by God and Jesus Christ is Savior who forgives any sins.
2 Timothy 2:14~15
Japanese food in the other countries
Pastors in Indonesia asked me to eat Japanese food and took me to a Japanese restaurant. This restaurant had just opened recently was questionable as I thought. My wife and I don’t eat Japanese food overseas but we see Japanese restaurant in most of the countries where we visit. Maybe long-stay travelers or expatriate employees think about Japan while they eat Japanese food in a country where they stay.
Israelis who lost their country and were broken up in the past have special emotions that gentiles can’t understand. Japan stands at a crossroad but we shouldn’t forget about Israel where is the sundial of the world. The Gaza strip is explosive, Egypt and Iran substantially established an alliance, and the relationship between Japan and America is different from the past. Every eye is fixed on these things.
Christians are grafted and maintain adequate nutrition from a root. God’s will is when Israel goes back to true God and true Savior.
Jeremiah 3:21~22
Across the ocean
In India or Indonesia we sometimes watch some programs of TV evangelists who are famous in America and some other countries. These TV programs are broadcasted in India and Indonesia during a *prime time and TV evangelists have their office in great location because of their sufficient funds. Churches there give local director due respect.
These photos above were taken in a radio station in Indonesia when we recorded a message there. “Tida Sakty” is a commercial radio station and the owner is not a Christian. Also, a person who is in charge of this ministry is a young and nameless local pastor. We prayed for listeners, the radio station, and the owner at the end of this radio program.
This time we recorded 3 TV programs and 3 radio programs. I am so impressed that this church is doing a truly good ministry in this pagan country. The reason why they can share the gospel like this is they pray and make effort every day. It is absolutely imperative for breaking a fortress to grow churches and raise disciples there. That’s why it’s worth to go across the ocean and to expand our ministry.
2 Corinthian 10:15~16
* Golden time in Japan
Those who capitalize on~
Victims of the Great East Japan Earthquake and people all over Japan felt sorrow and anxiety but there are some people who capitalize on this emergency. They try to expand their organization or collect money. They say, “Earthquake hit as Mr. ~ prophesied.”, “The earthquake was supposed to hit capital area but because of Mr. ~’s prayed it moved to the ocean so give us offering.”, or “I received a prophecy, earthquake and terrorism will hit Tokyo on certain day.” These are common maneuver for cult groups. Also, some other groups use the Bible and say, “Join Mr. ~’s meeting and pray together to move the Second Coming of Jesus forward.” or “Jesus Christ will come back soon.”
Surely, the end of the world and the Second Coming of Christ will come. Also, it’s important for us to keep awake, to pray, and gather but if you are a normal Christian, there is something else we have to share first no matter what happens. That is “Jesus Christ is the one who forgives our sin and is our Savior.” Sharing the gospel to the whole world across time and borders is a mission for churches who are the brides of Jesus.
Acts 4:12
ローマ人への手紙 1章19節~20節
エペソ人への手紙 4章16節
テモテへの手紙第二 2章14節~15節
エレミヤ書 3章21~22節
The Lord who sees our heart
The Great East-Japan Earthquake got a lot of media coverage in the world. Many Christians in India and Indonesia cried and prayed for Japan. Not only that, they gave us an offering for Japan. I was much impressed by their action. When we exchange this offering to Japanese yen, it’s not a big money but I felt their love, faith, and a lump in my throat.
In the Bible, there was a poor widow who threw in two leptas, which was the minimum amount of offering. Also, there were rich people who threw in big money. The Lord, Jesus said, “this poor widow has put in more than all those who have given to the treasury.” Our eyes see how much we give but our Lord sees our heart and faith.
Mark 12:41~44
The shining island in South Asia
Sri Lanka is an island which has beautiful beaches and lush tropics. I can say their national character is the most serious and constraint in South Asia. This country is famous for tea leaves, gems, and tourism. Many people speak English in the city area. However, the national budget has been strangled because of the longstanding civil war so it had discouraged tourists from visiting this country. Many other countries might think Sri Lanka is a small country in all aspects. Minority Christians in Sri Lanka had faced persecutions or oppositions from Buddhist and Hindu people who are more than 70 % of the population.
There are many Christians who get a lot of attention and appear on stage but God gave a true prophet in this small island. I would like to ask you to read the Bible carefully about the situation and the position of prophets. L. Keegel is a spiritual leader who has a responsibility for more than 1,000 churches in this country. (I received a mail from him and more than 600 Christian families in his churches became victims of flood and they are in serious situation.)
Isaiah 49:1~3
The one who stands in the gap
Whenever I go abroad, I use the same bag. Finally, the bag was broken. This photo is the place where it was broken and one of my friends sewed it skillfully. I tried to pay for the cost of material but he refused to receive it. The place was fixed and my bag toughened.
In the Bible, there is a man who stood in the gap between God and the Israelite, but the man, Moses was not appreciated, instead had a rough deal from them. The Savior also was despised, forsaken, and hated by people. I feel strongly that now is the time we need Christians who stand in the gap even though there is a great sacrifice to be made.
Psalm 106:23
In a tribulation time
We need new hope. This hope is produced through faith in the Lord, Jesus Christ. In Romans, it says, “not only that, but we also glory in tribulations, knowing that tribulation produces perseverance, perseverance produces character, and character produces hope.”
Right now, Fukushima Nuclear plants and devastated areas are in danger and in catastrophic situation but many Christians get together to distribute relief goods to people there. Some of my friends are also doing relief activity with no regard of their own personal safety.
The Bible says, “hope does not disappoint, because the love of God has been poured out in our hearts by the Holy Spirit who was given to us.” The hope does not disappoint. What a wonderful word it is! God is talking to victims who are full of sense of loss and powerlessness and Christians who had dove into God’s grace and arose from sleep.
Romans 5:3~5
Celebrity diplomat who fulfilled his mission
When I used ANA lounge at New-Chitose airport after so long, I found an interesting article on Japanese version of Newsweek magazine published on 2nd of Mar. This article was about a referendum for separatist in Sudan, North Africa. Since the government established Islamic law, the South of Sudan where many Christians live tried to attain independent. It was an important referendum. As a result of it, 98.8% citizens supported independence and the South Sudan Republic will be born on 9th of July formally. Thanks to an invocation of one “celebrity diplomat”, they could turn the table from desperate situation. The Hollywood actor is George Clooney. He had visited Sudan for the past 5 years and engaged in humanitarian activities. He had a shocking experience when a refugee village where he gave donations was attacked and some people were killed. After that, he used all of his funds, publicity, and network, launched a satellite, and contended with this mission.
When I see this historical news as viewed from the perspective of Christian, I can say two things. First, God used the Hollywood actor to save Christians. Secondly, the result was everything not only participating in this humanitarian activity. There is a mission which is worthy only to participate it. On the other hand, there is a mission we have to fulfill. Paul went to Rome for his life and Thomas fulfilled his mission in India without making compromise. These are the wonderful examples because they followed what the Lord said and made wonderful fruits in consequence.
John 15:16
The country who cried for Japan
The 9.0-magnitude earthquake which was the biggest in history hit east Japan on 11th of Mar. 2011. It was the worst disaster that many precious lives, houses, working places, and hope were washed away by Tsunami.
I heard this news while I was in Indonesia and churches in Indonesia cried and prayed for Japan. Although there is a significant economic gap in this country, some people gave an offering for the victims. I was filled with deep sorrow and pain but I felt their love and mercy while I was staying there for a week. God’s family who can share joy and tears is a significant treasure in my life.
Romans 12:15
Chitose Airport in winter
Troubling winter came in Hokkaido again. The Shin-Chitose Airport needs to clear away snow from the 260 hectare (370 square kilometer) runway and is the gateway of Hokkaido which has the biggest number of flights between Haneda Airport and Shin-Chitose Airport. The amount of snowfall in the last season was 5 times as large as Tokyo Dome. Under this terrible condition, workers support flights by snow-removal, anti-icing, application of ice protection, and operation. It may be no exaggeration to say that mission in Japan is in prolonged winter.
When we hear God’s work in overseas, we praise the Lord but at the same time, some people feel why nothing happens in Japan. At the Shin-Chitose Airport in winter, all the workers have their own role and responsibility. The purpose is the only one, safety of aircraft and on-time flight. If Christians and churches in Japan love each other and cooperate together for the only purpose, I believe we can break down this challenging season.
John 17:11
Satan who plays outstandingly (??)
This is an article about Happy Science covered the other day. According to the article, a master’s wife was called Satan (from the article of Shukan Bunshu) and was said Satan is in her by her children so she went to a hospital (from the article of Shukan Shincho) and was suffering from suicidal urge. There were many causes along the way but the wife who used to be called a goddess of beauty is an object of prayer to seal bad wives in the same religious group. Everyone except for believers of this religion can say it has a significant gap and is out of norm. Also, after the weekly magazines were published, it seems the Happy Science delivered a mysterious special lecture out into the open toward all the branches in Japan. In the lecture, they said, Lucifer and Beelzebub in the Bible seduced this article and exercised the power behind the scene. (Since Japan has a freedom of faith, believers of this group have the right to believe this.)
Groups who are generally called cult have certain things in common and that is when those who can’t obey a leader or a group are blamed or instilled a sense of anxiety. A cult group often comment to the one who left the group that, “he became mentally ill”, “he will meet misfortune”, or “Satan is working in him.”
How about Christian’s faith? Of course, it is true that Satan or evil spirit exists in this world but it is not proper to say those phrase. Everyone tend to think we are the center of the world. If we use Satan whenever we fight with others, Satan will be busy but Christians think God’s word which will never change as the base of our lives. We do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against invisible things.
Ephesians 6:12
Welcom service
Small consideration, such as welcome drink, fruits, letter, and so on, makes us feel happier in journey. Church wants to be the place where welcomes people who are tired or have a burden.
We can serve the Lord by taking care of people. To show kindness to people is a necessary service in a church. God uses everyone. That’s the magnificence of Christians.
1 Peter 4:8~9
コリント人への手紙第二 10章15~16節
使徒の働き 4章12節
マルコの福音書 12章41~44節
投稿 (Atom)