I heard electrifying news (!?) from India. There is a village in India where everyone is a thief. (This news is from Rocket News on 18th of Jan.) Police officer arrested 4 people at the end of last year. They were investigated and found out that the 4 people were from the same village. He also found out people in the said village train each other to become a good thief. A police officer in the village adopts a thief and collect money from people and hire a lawyer for a thief who is arrested.
In the Bible, everyone is a sinner. This is also electrifying news but it’s the truth. In Romans 7:19~20, it says this sin is not an action but a character in us. Although we want to be good, we think or do bad things. However, the Bible tells us better news than these. There is a way which everyone recognized as righteousness by God’s grace. We become righteous through faith when we believe Jesus Christ. What a wonderful news it is!
Romans 3:21~24
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