Recently, many disasters are reported on the news. The worst flood in the last 100 years occurred in South India. In the province of Andra Pradesh, many villages went under the water and more than 1 million people had to escape the area. In Genesis, God created the first human being and said “tend and keep the earth and animals”. The original language of “control” means “bring order”. He didn’t say break “harm the ozone layer or cause global warming”. In South India many people are afraid of contagious disease after the flood. Poor people or dalite people are the one who will be abandoned in this sort of problem. Some dalite people (untouchable people) said “the reason why we can’t ensure the human right is that upper class people is afraid of losing their status”. Today it’s impossible for us to control the nature. Also, it’s impossible for us to have the same status and same life but it’s nothing to have fear or shift in responsibility to God. What we can do is to go back to God and follow Him, which is to love our neighbors.
ⅠJohn 3:17~19
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